Why is the Annual Fund necessary?
The Catholic Community of St. Matthias strongly believes in adotpting a stewardship way of life. Donations of your time, talent, and treasure are always welcome, and are a vital part of continuing to make SMS the quality educational institution that it is.
Every Gift is important to us and greatly appreciated.
Tax-deductible donations to the Annual Fund are accepted each year July 1 through June 30
Thank you in advance for your participation.
Checks are to be made payable to St. Matthias School Annual Fund
and mail to
St. Matthias School - Annual Fund 24-25
170 John F. Kennedy Blvd.
Somerset, NJ 08873
If you wish to participate in this year’s
St. Matthias School Annual Fund:
Thank you for your generosity and dedication to St. Matthias School!
Our SMS donors are very much appreciated!
They show us how the act of giving provides joy and love to those who receive, but also to those who give.
Thank you to the Spinella Family and
Grace Cassese(Santina's Sister) for donating
a Classroom Promethean Board
in Loving Memory of Mrs. Santina C. Spinella.
On Friday, July 2, 2021, Msgr. Joe bestowed blessings to
the Spinella Family, followed by a demonstration with Principal Mary Lynch on the board’s many uses.
Mr. Spinella and Ms. Spinella were excited for the
children to have this technology and expressed how
Mrs. Spinella, a loving wife, mother and grandmother, would have been, too.
Our donors in total have helped supply boards which will be installed in all our teaching classrooms for the coming school year.