I believe that music is the best subject! Why? Because everyone likes some kind of music but not everyone likes baseball or ballet or cooking. I have taught music in the Catholic Schools for 16 years. This is my 5th year at Saint Matthias and I really love the students and my coworkers. Being Catholic is very important to me and my family. I love to go to Mass and to play the piano at church; this brings me great peace. I also has a Piano Studio in Hillsborough, teach at Raritan Valley Community College, and The New School for Music Study. My message to you this year is from Psalm 100. "Worship the Lord with gladness; come before Him with joyful songs". You can be sure that at SMS, we will be singing songs of praise. I can be reached at [email protected]. God can be reached through prayer.
We are all learning new hymns this year which correspond with the weekly mass at Saint Matthias and the Children's Choir. You can join the choir at any time. Just email Mrs. Seamon at [email protected].
Our younger students are learning American Folk Songs, solfege, note reading and rhythm. Any music homework can be found on the homeroom teacher Google Classroom. Our older students are currently reviewing music notation and rhythm. These skills are preparing students for creating music in Chrome Music Lab. Homework for grades 5-8 is posted in their Music Google Classroom.
Our main goal together is to have fun, and to have a greater appreciation for all styles of music!