Drama Club with Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Schnier, & Ms. Fraser
Drama Club has an annual musical at a local stage venue. Students audition for parts in the play or may participate as backstage members on light, sound, props, costumes, or stage crew. Everyone who auditions gets a role in the play!
Students will also be given an opportunity to join the Jr. Thespian Society, which is an honor society for students who have devoted their time and effort into dramatic work. There is a one-time fee per student.
Congratulations to students who participated in our most recent production, Disney's Frozen Jr. What a great show!
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER for SMS DRAMA CLUB (AUDITIONS or BACKSTAGE)For students interested in joining our Honor Society for Drama students, please check out our Jr. Thespian Society. We kicked off our inaugural year of Jr. Thespian Society at St. Matthias School in 2022 and are excited to offer this opportunity going forward.
Jr. Thespian Society Information FLYER *Click Here*